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U.S. Employment-Based Immigration Stories: The Year I Got My Priority Date

That life-changing moment when your I-140 approval notice arrives – every immigrant knows it. Your Priority Date isn’t just a date; it’s your official ticket into the green card queue. Until then, whether you’re juggling F-1, H-1B, O-1, or L-1 visas, you’re still waiting to begin the real wait. It’s like finally receiving your number at a crowded deli counter – now your journey truly begins.

The Forward Thinker: Priya’s Dual-Track Success

In 2018, Priya began her PhD in computer science in the U.S. While most waited until graduation to tackle immigration, Priya took an early leap. In her second year, with only a few publications, she boldly applied for a National Interest Waiver (NIW). Some colleagues thought she was rushing, but Priya understood that timing is crucial.

Her strategy worked. On October 1, 2020, she secured her EB-2 Priority Date, locking in an advantage well before completing her PhD. As she advanced her research over the next six years, her early Priority Date quietly prepared her for a smoother future.

By 2026, with her PhD and OPT underway, Priya’s achievements were recognized, and she applied for an EB-1A for “Outstanding Ability.” Approved in May 2027, her 2020 Priority Date allowed her to start the green card process immediately, securing her work permit without delay.

In contrast, her colleague Amit, though similarly qualified with a PhD and an EB-1A approval, now faces years stuck in the visa backlog, relying on H-1B status to maintain his job stability. Without an early Priority Date, Amit must wait for visa numbers to become available, a process that could take years and requires him to navigate annual H-1B renewals and the uncertainty that comes with it. Priya’s early planning, however, gave her the freedom to bypass these delays and proceed directly to her green card application, securing her work authorization without the constraints of visa backlogs.

Her proactive approach is a powerful example of how early, strategic planning can streamline the immigration journey, offering a smoother, faster path to long-term stability and career growth in the U.S..

Racing Against Time: Rajesh’s PERM Journey

In 2023, Rajesh graduated with a STEM master’s degree, full of optimism and the security of a three-year OPT period. However, his first H-1B lottery attempt didn’t go his way. Recognizing the uncertainty of the H-1B lottery, his employer stepped in with a decisive plan: they wouldn’t wait another year to try for the lottery but would start the PERM labor certification process immediately, giving Rajesh an alternative path to secure his future.

Rajesh’s journey through the PERM process unfolded like this:

  • September 2023: PERM preparation began
  • January 2024: Prevailing Wage Determination cleared, recruitment phase began
  • January–March 2024: Nerve-wracking weeks of job postings and recruitment
  • March 2024: PERM application submitted, marking the start of a long wait
  • May 2025: PERM approval brought the first sign of relief
  • August 2025: I-140 approval secured his Priority Date

By 2025, Rajesh had finally completed the extensive PERM process and locked in an EB-2 Priority Date of August 2025. Still on OPT, he now found himself checking the Visa Bulletin monthly, watching each small update with a sense of progress and reassurance. With a Priority Date in hand, Rajesh felt a new stability; he had something tangible connecting him to his future in the U.S.

Challenges still lay ahead—waiting for another H-1B lottery selection, potentially applying for an O-1 visa, or even considering a year in Canada to return on an L-1 visa. But with his Priority Date established, these steps felt more purposeful. Each temporary hurdle became a strategic move rather than a setback. In the long journey of employment-based immigration, securing a Priority Date meant that every step now brought him a little closer to his ultimate goal.

For Rajesh, and many others like him, the Priority Date was more than a number; it was an anchor and a point of focus—a reminder that even in the face of waiting and uncertainty, he was moving forward.

The Long Road: Vijay’s Wake-Up Call

2024 marked Vijay’s final year on STEM OPT, with multiple H-1B lottery failures pushing him to the edge of his visa options. Fortunately, his company offered him an alternative: a transfer to their Vancouver office, allowing him to work abroad for a year and then return to the U.S. on an L-1B visa. This plan went smoothly, and in 2025, Vijay rejoined his U.S. team with a five-year L-1B visa, feeling a welcome sense of security.

That sense of security, however, led him to ease up on his immigration planning. By 2028, after three years on L-1B, he finally received an H-1B approval in the lottery. Excited and relieved, Vijay assumed he had the standard six years of H-1B status ahead. But his excitement was cut short by a rude awakening: his three years on L-1B counted against his H-1B time since he hadn’t left the U.S. for over a year. Instead of six years, he was left with only three on H-1B.

This unexpected twist brought a wave of anxiety. Facing a shortened H-1B period, Vijay and his company moved swiftly, launching the PERM labor certification process to secure his green card. Two years later, in 2030, after a long wait, Vijay finally received his I-140 approval, locking in his Priority Date of October 1, 2030. This approval brought two crucial benefits: it allowed him to extend his H-1B beyond the six-year limit, and it meant he could apply for three-year extensions continuously until his PD became current.

Reflecting on his journey, Vijay realized just how far he had come. From starting his undergraduate degree in 2017, graduating in 2021, navigating through STEM OPT, L-1B, and H-1B statuses, and finally securing a Priority Date in 2030, it has been a full 13-year journey. 

When he finally received his I-140 approval, it wasn’t just a date on paper—it was a turning point, a milestone symbolizing stability and a clear path for his future in the U.S. Although there were still steps ahead, he could finally let go of the constant worry over visa timelines and look forward to building his career and life in the U.S.

Lessons from the Journey

These stories reveal crucial insights for every immigrant:

  • Immigration strategy isn’t one-size-fits-all – what works for one person might not work for another
  • Early planning isn’t just helpful; it can be life-changing
  • Setbacks like H-1B rejections aren’t dead ends; they’re detours leading to alternative paths
  • An employer’s support can transform your journey
  • Professional growth during the wait isn’t optional – it’s essential
  • Understanding the rules deeply can prevent costly surprises

Think of immigration as a marathon through unfamiliar terrain. The goal isn’t speed – it’s finding your sustainable pace and staying the course. Some paths are direct, others wind through unexpected territory, but each step brings you closer to your destination.

Whether you’re just receiving your first visa or counting the months since your Priority Date, remember: every immigrant’s story adds another chapter to America’s narrative. These journeys – with their challenges, victories, and lessons – shape not just individual lives but the future of American innovation and growth.

What’s your Priority Date story going to be?


每个来美求学工作的人,都会记得自己拿到 Priority Date 的那一天。这个日期,就像一个重要的里程碑,标志着你在美国永居之路上迈出了关键的一步。今天,让我们来聊聊不同人获得PD的故事。



令人惊喜的是,小王第一次NIW申请就获得成功,于2020年10月1日锁定了EB-2类别下的Priority Date。这个早期的成功为她后续的发展提供了更大的灵活性。对于移民来说,尽早规划移民旅程的实际含义就是:尽早锁定一个属于自己的Priority Date。这个简单的道理,往往会在多年后才显现其重要性。


在经过6个月的认真准备后,小王提交了EB-1A申请。又经过6个月的等待,她终于在2027年5月收到了批准通知,获得了一份EB-1类别的Priority Date。但由于7年前已经通过NIW获得了一份批准的I-140申请,小王可以保留使用那份更早的Priority Date(2020年10月1日)。这意味着她可以在2027年直接开始绿卡申请,并在几个月后获得工卡,开启自由工作的新阶段。

小王的故事有一个有趣的对比。她的同事小李,同样是PhD毕业,也在同一领域、同一家公司工作。小李虽然也成功获得了EB-1A的批准,但因为没有像小王那样早期通过NIW获得更早的Priority Date,现在不得不面对数年的排期等待。同时,为了确保长期的工作稳定性,小李还需要尽快在H-1B抽签中获得成功。这个对比很好地说明了,在移民过程中,早期规划和布局的重要性。相同的学历背景和工作经历,可能因为不同的策略选择,而面临完全不同的移民时间线。




  • 2023年9月:开始准备PERM
  • 2024年1月:获批PWD
  • 2024年1月:开始发布招聘广告
  • 2024年3月:提交PERM申请
  • 2025年5月:PERM获批
  • 2025年8月:I-140获批

时间来到2025年,两年的时光飞逝,小张终于走完了漫长的PERM流程,手捧着EB-2类别的I-140批准书,锁定了自己的Priority Date:2025年8月。虽然此时的小张依然处于STEM OPT状态,但他感觉心里踏实了许多。因为从此以后,每月更新的排期表终于和自己有了关系,不断前进的排期数字成为了他稳定自己的定心剂。

对于小张来说,未来的道路依然充满挑战:等待H-1B被抽中,或是尝试申请O-1签证,甚至考虑前往加拿大工作一年后以L-1身份重返美国。但不论选择哪条路,有了这个Priority Date在手,这些暂时的辛苦都变得更有意义,也更值得坚持。毕竟在职业移民的漫长征程中,能早一天锁定Priority Date,就意味着离最终目标更近了一步。


2024年是小刘的最后一年STEM OPT,连续多次H-1B抽签失利让他不得不面临身份转换的抉择。所幸公司为他提供了一个转机:将他外派至温哥华的分公司,计划一年后以L-1B签证身份重返美国。


这个意外发现让小刘陷入了前所未有的焦虑。经过紧急磋商,公司决定立即启动PERM劳工证流程。时光飞逝,两年后的2030年,在经历了漫长等待后,小刘终于收到了I-140批准通知,锁定了自己的Priority Date:2030年10月1日。这个批准带来了两个重要改变:其一,他的H-1B现在可以突破6年的限制,申请延期;其二,他可以通过每次延期3年的方式,一直等到自己的Priority Date变为Current。

回首往事,从2017年开始攻读本科,到2021年毕业开始工作,直到2030年终于拿到Priority Date,整整13年的美国求学和职业生涯,小刘经历了STEM OPT、L-1B、H-1B等多个身份的转换。当他最终拿到I-140批准的那一刻,内心的踏实感让他深深体会到:Priority Date不仅仅是一个日期,更是一个里程碑,标志着他在美国的长期发展终于有了一个明确的方向和保障。虽然前路依然漫长,但至少不用再为签证时长的限制而辗转反侧。



  1. 职业移民没有标准模板,需要根据个人情况制定最优策略
  2. 提前规划和准备总是明智的
  3. 即使遇到挫折(如H-1B落选或失业),也要保持耐心,寻找替代方案
  4. 雇主的支持对职业移民来说至关重要
  5. 在等待的过程中,持续提升自己的专业能力和成就很重要


By: Jiaqi Ji, Associate Attorney

Attorney Head Shot

Jiaqi Ji is an Associate Attorney at Reddy Neumann Brown PC who primarily focuses on employment-based non-immigrant visa cases. Jiaqi was born and raised in China, fluent in both English & Chinese. She came to the United States for higher legal education and went through the employment-based immigration process with her spouse. Jiaqi earned her Juris Doctor from George Washington University Law School.